It's around this tme last year that I started my blog, and I can recall so clearly sitting in the warmth of the lounge, typing away to Michael Buble, with steam coming off my frothy hot chocolate...
I never thought I'd say this, but I do believe that maybe, just maybe, autumn and winter in KZN could become my favourite seasons. My husband would NEVER in a million years believe this, and neither would my close friends and family, but it's true. Is it me, or are our winters becoming milder?? Our days are gloriously sunny and warm, and the evenings crisp, so much so that our children can sit outside after bath and watch the stars with their Dad when it's dark. And for me to not have a heater on in our home, which can be drafty, in JUNE of all times, is almost unheard of - I mean hey - this is Hillcrest!!!
I also think that our love for the various seasons can often be determined by where we are in our lives. I know for a fact that as a child in boarding school, winters were absolutely miserable. You never had the comforts of hot chocolate on tap, or Milo before bed, or even a hot water bottle!! And the days of breastfeeding at all hours of the morning, and waking for sick children - winter was so NOT my time of year.
2 people who inspire me for different reasons are Becky Higgins and Victoria Moran, and both speak about embracing the different seasons and getting the most out of them by getting caught up in the tradition of the season you're in, and what it represents - whether it's the food you cook, the decor you add to your home, or other traditions like drinking Gluwein - YUM! I love that Becky gets caught up in decorating her home according to the season, or even a significant time of year ie. Easter, Thanksgiving, or even Valentines day, and Victoria Moran endorses that tradition.
I have SO enjoyed these last few weeks of magnificent weather, and a whole host of other things that make this time of year just wonderful, so here's just some of the reasons why i may just have a thang for winter.....
- winter soups and slow soul food
- our colourful winter garden filled with it's sunbirds and butterflies
- long pampering baths and footspas
- my basket full of yarns and KNITTING that lives next to the couch
- time spent indoors doing things like playing board games as a family, making cards, and snuggling on the couch to watch movies
- baking and making homemade lemonade, puree's and breads
- HOT CHOCOLATE and french vanilla latte's with marshmallows
- reading books
- warm fluffy blankets
- layered clothing, jackets and boots - YAY!!!!
I cannot believe how much more I have managed to accomplish over the last few weeks, particularly things I enjoy. I love that Winter gives us permission to HIBERNATE, slow down, breathe..... and recharge our batteries.
Hi Everyone, welcome to "my little space in cyber", where I hope to share thoughts and ideas about things close to my heart, and just about life I guess, and connect with friends and family, and like minded people...people who are mothers, daughters, sisters, friends, or even someone who just has a love for vanilla cupcakes! Some may laugh, but I say “Never under estimate the power of a really good vanilla cupcake!...and those other simple “feel good things” that are like food for the soul.
about me
- Beryldene
- Married to Nick for 13 years, with 2 children; Sabrina - 12 and Dominic - 11. I am a girlfriend through and through in that I love girly things and anything that celebrates the essence of being a woman. I love vintage, shabby chic, the country and try my best to do my bit for the environment. SO yes...we have 3 bins in our house and try our best to recycle! I believe that with everything in life, the closer we stick to nature, the better off we'll be. I would love to have a balance in life, but have learnt that balance is not always possible, so strive for significance instead, in the hopes that that will be just as meaningful, and the rest will hopefully follow.
I know what you mean about the winter here, I live in Pietermaritzburg. I used to live in Bloem and at this time of year all heaters would be out. Now I am sitting here in summer clothing.. It is really great to live here. :)
ReplyDeleteI agree that one should embrace each season and enjoy it for what it is. So glad you have managed to get a lot of things done. Always nice to bake on a coldish day or sit cuddled up reading a good book.
ReplyDeleteaaaah lovely stuff - i am so a winter girl !! wish i was there to snuggle with you and chat away like we used to do solving the worlds problems and fixing our friends lives while our children giggled and filled your passage ways with healthy sounds.....while Gogo brought us a tray of delish tea and cakes.......ok ok ok i am SO wishing i was down the road again
Beautiful words gf, you are so right about the seasons working at different times of our lives and if you can embrace the uniqueness of it all even the horrid days are so much easier to bare.....she says after days and days of beautiful English sunshine (lol) talk to me again when I have been scrapping ice off my car for 4 months (giggle)
I love winter for all the reasons you listed and more.
ReplyDeleteWhile I was not particularly crazy about Gauteng winters - bitter, icy cold that gets into your bones & stays there; dry highveld air; the constant acrid smell of burning veld & everything looking brown & parched & lifeless - I have become a huge fan of Cape winters.
They may be grey and wet, but it's a different kind of cold & the rain makes everything so lush & green, it's a feast for the eyes. There is nothing more comforting than being snuggled up inside on a rainy winter day... and that's exactly what you'll find me doing today :o)