about me

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Married to Nick for 13 years, with 2 children; Sabrina - 12 and Dominic - 11. I am a girlfriend through and through in that I love girly things and anything that celebrates the essence of being a woman. I love vintage, shabby chic, the country and try my best to do my bit for the environment. SO yes...we have 3 bins in our house and try our best to recycle! I believe that with everything in life, the closer we stick to nature, the better off we'll be. I would love to have a balance in life, but have learnt that balance is not always possible, so strive for significance instead, in the hopes that that will be just as meaningful, and the rest will hopefully follow.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Me on a Monday

Today is juuuust the most beautiful day outside, and although it's Monday and I have a TON of stuff to do, (especially at work), I am DETERMINED to see it as a wonderful day that has been wrapped up in glorious sunshine and opportunity, which interpreted into my language, means BEAUTY, JOY AND ABUNDANCE arrree miiine.....

OK so you might be laughing inside at the fact that I am sooo full of 'ignorance that is bliss', but seriously, I made a CHOICE this morning, based on the fact that potentially, this day had...well...really NOTHING going for it, that I was going to choose to be happy, despite all the "i would sooo rather lick paint than DO THIS" kind of work I had in store for me - ISH.  SO it was do or DIE i'm afraid...

It did seem so much easier to lie down and sucumb to the overwhelming feeling of "how will I EVER get through TODAY", but i just said to my procrastinaing self...."self...none of what you have waiting on your desk is going to miraculously disappear, so best you put those big girl panties on, suck it up, and ENJOY THE RIDE!!".......I also often think about all the lessons i teach my children, about giving your all, doing things right, and doing what needs to be done, and I thought I would dedicate this day to them, and try and lead by example....sigh....seriously????....

shew.... that's a loota psychology just to muster up the Monday mood dont ya think??...but hey...a girl's gotta do what a girls gotta do to get her mojo going....

So i really just wanted to pop in to report, for anyone else who may be chewing their way through Monday, that starting at 7am this morning I have had my head down, and am super happy to report that I have achieved sooo much, by just taking one DARN THING AT A TIME.....

Happpy Monday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday to you too, would rather be at home, but off to work it is for me...
