It just so happened that a project I've been working on this week, took me back through the last 5 years worth of family photo's we've taken, and going back in time has really made me realise what an incredible journey it's been, and how much Nick and I have accomplished and experienced in our life together. We've done some crazy, amazing, wonderful things, and I do firmly believe that aside from honesty and communication, FUN is without a doubt one of the essential ingredients in a marriage. A lifetime of good and bad experiences, have brought us closer together than I think we ever imagined we could be, all those years ago.
I feel so so grateful for the history I share with this wonderful man, for our journey together, and for the wonderful life we have had so far. I love that
The cherry on the top is that 13 years ago today, in addition to a husband, I gained another whole family that I married into, who I love love love, and are such a blessing in our lives....people who make our world a better place. Today I am just remembering how lucky in love i am :-)
Wonderful post Bee, you certainly have a man in a million but then you are a wife in a many many many many many many many more xxxx
ReplyDeleteflower - SURELY you have a photie of the PURPLE SUIT please....?