about me

My photo
Married to Nick for 13 years, with 2 children; Sabrina - 12 and Dominic - 11. I am a girlfriend through and through in that I love girly things and anything that celebrates the essence of being a woman. I love vintage, shabby chic, the country and try my best to do my bit for the environment. SO yes...we have 3 bins in our house and try our best to recycle! I believe that with everything in life, the closer we stick to nature, the better off we'll be. I would love to have a balance in life, but have learnt that balance is not always possible, so strive for significance instead, in the hopes that that will be just as meaningful, and the rest will hopefully follow.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Today, 13 years ago, my husband and I committed ourselves to one another, in the Home Affairs office in Umgeni Street.  Heck I guess one could say, it could ONLY get better from there, eh?  Looking back, I don't know what was worse - Home Affairs, or the purple suit i was wearing at the time, which I thought was STUNNING .  Sadly, Greek Papa's (ministers) are not legally recognised in South Africa, SO prior to the actual BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING we had on the 18th October, today is the date that we LEGALLY became husband and wife. 

It just so happened that a project I've been working on this week, took me back through the last 5 years worth of family photo's we've taken, and going back in time has really made me realise what an incredible journey it's been, and how much Nick and I have accomplished and experienced in our life together.  We've done some crazy, amazing, wonderful things, and I do firmly believe that aside from honesty and communication, FUN is without a doubt one of the essential ingredients in a marriage.  A lifetime of good and bad experiences, have brought us closer together than I think we ever imagined we could be, all those years ago.

I feel so so grateful for the history I share with this wonderful man, for our journey together, and for the wonderful life we have had so far.  I love that he has survived some of the crazy stuff I do, lets me be me, and that he has been the rock that I've clung to when the world seems scarier than usual.  He compliments me with his gentle, soft, sensible side, and yet he's a far bigger risk taker than I am.  He loves a party as much as I do, and is every kind of father a child could wish for - that makes me love him even more.

The cherry on the top is that 13 years ago today, in addition to a husband, I gained another whole family that I married into, who I love love love, and are such a blessing in our lives....people who make our world a better place.  Today I am just remembering how lucky in love i am :-)


  1. Wonderful post Bee, you certainly have a man in a million but then you are a wife in a million....to many many many many many many many more xxxx

  2. flower - SURELY you have a photie of the PURPLE SUIT please....?
