about me

My photo
Married to Nick for 13 years, with 2 children; Sabrina - 12 and Dominic - 11. I am a girlfriend through and through in that I love girly things and anything that celebrates the essence of being a woman. I love vintage, shabby chic, the country and try my best to do my bit for the environment. SO yes...we have 3 bins in our house and try our best to recycle! I believe that with everything in life, the closer we stick to nature, the better off we'll be. I would love to have a balance in life, but have learnt that balance is not always possible, so strive for significance instead, in the hopes that that will be just as meaningful, and the rest will hopefully follow.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

If you're wondering...

If you're wondering...yes I'm not gonna lie...if you must know.....at my house - a few Friday's ago - just a few of the girls.... . What else is a girl supposed to do a sunny Friday afternoon, but shoot the breeze, with one of these...OMG...did that just rhyme???...seriously? It's really late...that's why. It's now just after midnight....it's been a loooong but productive day - hence the time. So days like today make me want to indulge in one of these....it's my thing lately:-). I'm a tee totaller - but i highly recommend these DELICIOUS little pleasures (that mask the alcohol for those of us who battle to pretend that wine tastes like anything other than SOUR GRAPES! :-s)

All you need is some of this....
And alcohol of course:-) - unless you're making a "mocktail" (my kids favourites!) in which case juice and some blingy thingies to pretty it up will fool them....

Sigh...oh to be a girlfriend...

PS: Don't you just LOVE the ad where the guys scream hysterically, on discovering the dressing room full of ice cold Heineken beer...pf!...ya...WHAT EVA....okay it does make me laugh every time - LOL!


  1. oooooooh i love a cocktail GF - when we went to mauritius i lived on them for ten days straight - HICK!!!!!

  2. YUM YUM ...

    I don't often do the whole alcohol thing but when I do ... well .. I ALWAYS go back and apologise the next day!!! ... tee hee ... I had one at Moyo's once ... cost me R65??? eeeeeekkk ... and it wasn't even that great ....

    Mostly I have virgin cocktails ... still fun ...

    Oh, that ad gets me every time too ... they squeal like little girls ... tooo good ...

  3. Hello! I found you again!

    Yessss... I HATE wine to but I love a colourful tasty drink with a kick occasionally. ;-)

    And yesss - that advert makes me laugh out loud every time.
