about me

My photo
Married to Nick for 13 years, with 2 children; Sabrina - 12 and Dominic - 11. I am a girlfriend through and through in that I love girly things and anything that celebrates the essence of being a woman. I love vintage, shabby chic, the country and try my best to do my bit for the environment. SO yes...we have 3 bins in our house and try our best to recycle! I believe that with everything in life, the closer we stick to nature, the better off we'll be. I would love to have a balance in life, but have learnt that balance is not always possible, so strive for significance instead, in the hopes that that will be just as meaningful, and the rest will hopefully follow.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Dreamers, darers, dancers, with sadly a few absent, at our final session!

Ok so this is OOOLD news, but I'm posting it anyway, because it's sooooo relevant to everyone, everyday, everywhere, anytime.....

Last year a friend of a friend, asked me if I would facilitate a course called 'Dream Dare Dance'.  The course, is based on a book by the same name, and is aimed at helping to inspire women, at the 35 - 40 mark, but I guess any age will do really, to reach out and start believing in the dreams they once had. before marriage. before children. before life took hold of them - the dreams that is:-).  Started in America, Dream Dare Dance has travelled across the globe in a "pay it forward" sort of fashion.  Once the course is completed, someone else runs it with a group of their friends, and so on, and so on. 
my vision board in pieces

Sessions involve dreamers working through individual workbooks, with the DREAM DARE DANCE book at hand, in which other DREAMERS, and DANCERS who have gone before, have shared their stories.  Stories of how half way through their lives, they remembered the importance of having personal dreams and goals, and going after them.  There is homework, but this is the kind of homework that hits the sweet spot....it's the kind of homies that, whilst you sip a glass of wine, it has you thinking all about you....about your life....about your dreams...about your needs.....about your passion, about your accomplishments...do we still even know how to do that????  The theory is, if you're happy and whole, you have a WHOLE lot more to give!  Weekly feedback sessions are the best kind of sharing you could ever possibly hope for.....
Over tea, sweets and savouries we would meet and enjoy
SO back to the ...'once upon time' part of the story...
To say that I was IN at the word DREAM, excited by the word DARE, and down right bowled over by the word DANCE, was an understatement!  Heck yes!  ofcourse I would do it!

Enter the girlfriends....sigh....I love, love, love how the woman who form part of my close circle of friends, embrace and indulge my crazy schemes, and agree to go the distance with me.  They rock my world every week, and I am so grateful for each and every one of them being in my life.  As for our experience with DREAM DARE DANCE, we laughed, we cried (not often), we SHARED, we DREAMED, we DANCED, and last but not least, we DARED to put ourselves out there and make some of the dreams we rekindled, come true.....  the rest as they say, is history!
Vision board session.

I know for a fact that some of my really big dreams, the candy striped dreams that are the sweetest and the PURTIEST, have come true thanks to the simple process of ask, believe, receive, and VISION BOARDING!!
I really have seen such incredible results through vision boarding, I can't copy and paste it enough to prove it...infact these days, I believe that if my vision board is empty, so are my dreams....
Dream Dare Dance notebooks I made up for the dreamers....
It really is so special to see everyone's dreams, goals and vision for the future, up in lights as it were...

finally my dreams are staring back at me....
Some of us dream big dreams, some of us dream conservatively, some of us dream in shades of creams and whites, touched with shabbyness, while others dream of bold brights.....but we all dream, and we need to always stay in touch with them.  Our vision board session was an amazing evening, and it felt so good to be sharing this experience.  The bond of a group of women always amazes me; something small like someone identifying YOUR dream in a magazine, is a heartfelt reminder of how wonderful it is to have women in your life to share your hopes, fears and dreams with.  They see the little things, they know it's in the details, they understand the girl crazy that can grab hold of us sometimes...

It is now a year later...(i said it was old news), and it is amazing to look back and see how many of us have taken steps towards making our dreams become a reality.  How many hearts desires have been met, and how many wishes have come true.....I really do encourage other dreamers out there to dare to dance! 
Dreamers Ants and Trac


  1. This is such a special concept. Often its therapy in itself just to put your thoughts (dreams)into words or vision boarding as in this case.

    1. It is an amazing concept Desire, and such a worthwhile exercise!
